The study plan is also available in Course Catalogue. In the search filter select the year of enrollment, degree program, and curriculum. For each teaching you will find information about the lecturer, learning objectives, teaching methods and reference texts.
The Master of Science in International Management and Marketing (IMM) offers two different specializations:
The Master of Science in International Management and Marketing (IMM) offers two different specializations:
For further information about Study Plan (eg. Elective courses) see section: NOTICES AND FORMS
For students coorte 2022 (second year a.y. 2023-24) the Master of Science in Management, Marketing and Finace (MMF) offers three different specializations:
First Year Students must fill the study plan from October 30th to November 22th, 2024
Second Year Students must fill the study plan from October 16th to November 18th, 2024
For more details see NOTICES AND FORMS section.
The deadline for submitting motivated requests to the Consiglio di corso di studi for changes to study plans during the year is 15 March.
No exceptions to the term indicated will be allowed.